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Seeded Whole Grain Sourdough Loaf

Some days, I am sure a lot of you can relate, you just want to eat healthy. You start playing with ideas of adjusting your whole diet. And then you come back to an old wisdom: start small. For me, this translates – seeded whole grain sourdough loaf. Below is the recipe of this good-for-you bread.


Sourdough starter 


• 25g oats

• 50g any grains and seeds you love. I was using buckwheat, millet and flaxseeds

• 180g hot boiling water




  • 10 pm add starter to the water and whisk together, add flour, mix well, cover loosely, let sit at room temp 74-78F until in about 8-10 hours starter reaches its peak (triples or more in volume).
  • Learn how to make starter from scratch here.


  • 10 pm toast seeds on medium heat for 3-5 minutes, cover them with hot boiling water, let them soak overnight.


  • 7 am mix water, flour and all soaker,cover, let it rest 1 hour for autolyse.
  • During the autolyse the flour absorbs the water, becoming fully hydrated. This activates gluten development.
  • 8 am add sourdough starter and honey.
  • Mix on low speed of your mixing machine for 2-3 min, or KitchenAid on speed 3 for 3-4 minutes until well incorporated. 
  • Also if for some reason you don’t have a mixing machine, you can incorporate starter into the dough by hands. Using Rubaud method or slap and fold method (about 5-7 min).
  • Cover, let it rest for 30 minutes.
  • 8:30 am add salt . Mix on low speed of your mixing machine for 2-3 min, or with KitchenAid on speed 3 for 5-6 minutes until well incorporated. The dough should come up together, but still be sticky on the bottom. 
  • Add soft butter, continue mixing for 3-5 minutes until the dough is more obedient.

 Note:  if you perform mixing by hands, using Rubaud method or slap and fold method, that takes about 10-20 minutes. Do a couple of stops in between kneading, it helps tightening up gluten.

  • Continue gluten development and structure building by performing stretches and folds during the warm fermentation period.
  • Leave to rest 30 min. At 74-78F /23-26C.
  • 9 am wet your hands and perform 1st stretch and fold.
  • 9:30 am 2nd stretch and fold.
  • 10 am 3rd stretch and fold.
  • 10:30 am 4thstretch and fold.

Note: Whole grain flour and seeds make fermentation process going faster, that’s why I was performing stretches and folds every 30 minutes.

Performing stretches and folds helps with gluten development. Keep monitoring the dough, if you feel it proofing slowly, you can extend time in between stretches up to 45 minutes.

  • After the final stretch let the dough proof for 30 minutes at 76-80F/ 23-26C. You should see some bubbles on the surface, the dough has to become lighter. We are looking for 40%-50% rise. 

Preshaping sourdough 

  • 11 am Transfer the dough on to a work surface and dust its top with flour. Flip the dough over so the floured side faces down. 
  • Fold the dough onto itself so the flour on the surface remains entirely on the outside of the loaf. This will become the crust. 
  • Place the dough round on a work surface and let it rest for 30 minutes uncovered.

Shaping sourdough 

  • 11.30 am Dust the dough with whole wheat flour. Use a dough scraper to flip it over on to a work surface so the floured side faces down. 
  • Starting at the side closest to you, pull the right 2 corners of the dough to the left, then fold them up into half of the dough. Repeat this action on the left side too.
  • Finally, roll the dough. Shape it into a smooth, taut roll.
  • Spray it generously with water and roll it in the mixture of seeds, or just regular oats.
  • Transfer the roll, seam side up, into a prepared proofing basket (loaf pan with kitchen towel).
  • Cover it with plastic and return the dough to the 78F/26C environment for 15 minutes. 
  • Then transfer the dough to rise for 14-24 hours in refrigerator at 40F/4C.


Next morning

  • Preheat your oven to 500 F, place a cast iron pan with the lid inside for 45 minutes – 1 hour.
  • Remove the dough from the fridge. 
  • Flip it over on a parchment paper, score it with a sharp knife or a scoring lame
  • Transfer it on to the hot cast iron pan, cover with lid (to create steam for a beautiful and crusty crumb).
  • Bake at 500F for 15 minutes with lid on.
  • Remove the lid, lower the temperature to 450F. 
  • Bake for 20 more minutes until golden brown.

Let it cool for 2 hours and enjoy your seeded whole grain sourdough loaf.

13 thoughts on “Seeded Whole Grain Sourdough Loaf

  1. Спасибо большое за рецепт и технологический процесс! У Вас очень красивый хлеб, когда вижу фото, хочется бежать и срочно начинать взвешивать, смешивать и т.д. Будьте всегда здоровы и счастливы!

    1. Ирина, спасибо большое 🙏

  2. So for the “starter” part that you do the night before… this is basically feeding the starter you have getting ready for making the loaf the next morning?

    1. Yes, absolutely.
      You can feed it usuall ratio, that your starter is used to 😊

      1. Thank you!!! I have really really enjoyed following your instagram and can’t wait to try some recipes!

      2. Thank you so much for your feedback 🙏

  3. Would it be the same if using chia seeds?

    1. If you’d like to add chia seeds for verity, then yes. But if you are thinking to do only chia, you’ll need to decrease the total amount of it.

      1. Would we need to soak it first and adjust the water?
        Thank you

  4. Oh no! I look at the photo and got myself confused with the total seeds. 50g is total of all mixture of grains and seeds right?

  5. Natasha, thank you for the detailed description of the process! I have a question about percentage next to the ingredients – what is the meaning of those?
    Thank you!

  6. Do I need to use the butter?

  7. Hi,

    How would I alter this recipe to cut all the seeds and plus up the whole wheat to 100%?

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