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Whey Sandwich Bread

Whey Sandwich

Do you make your own ricotta or yogurt at home?
If yes, then you have plenty leftover of whey.

Whey sandwich bread is a type of bread that incorporates whey, a byproduct of cheese or yogurt production, into the dough. Whey is rich in protein and vitamins, and using it in bread baking can add nutritional value and enhance the texture and flavor of the loaf.

The use of whey in sandwich bread is not only a way to reduce food waste but also a way to incorporate an additional source of protein and nutrients into your diet.

To make whey sandwich bread, the whey is typically substituted for water or milk in the bread recipe.

Whey sandwich bread is perfect for making sandwiches, toasting, or simply enjoying as a versatile option for various meals and snacks.

I’ve got this idea from talented @allyoukneadisbread and I want to share Maria’s recipe here.






Yudane Method is made by mixing bread flour and hot boiling water. Adding hot boiling water gelatinises the starch. Which gives super softness to the bread.

  • 8 am mix flour and hot boiling water, cover and let cool down before use in the dough.


  • 8.30 am In a bowl of stand mixer add whey, yeast, sugar, flour, salt mix all together, add yudane to the dough, start mixing the dough on low speed of your mixing machine for 2-3 minutes, or KitchenAid on speed 3 for 5-6 minutes until well incorporated.
  • The dough should wrap the hook.
  • Add soft butter, increase the speed of mixer, mix for 10-15 more minutes until the dough is well incorporated and comes up together. You will be able to perform windowpane test.
  • Cover the dough and let it proof for 2 hours at 76-80F/ 24-28C.
  • The dough should become puffy.
  • 10.30 am Sprinkle work surface with flour. 
  • Sprinkle work surface with flour, remove the dough from the bowl and place on floured surface roll it into a rectangle, with narrow side as long as the length of loaf pan ( in my case it’s 13 inches), then roll the dough into a tight roll. Place the roll into a baking pan( the amount of the dough should be enough for baking pan 13×4 inches).
  • Cover the loaf and let it proof for 1-2 hours at 76-80F/ 24-28C until the dough will reach 1/2 inch from the top of the pan.
  • 12.30 pm Bake the loaf at 375F for 15 min, 350F for 20-25 min more. Until too will become golden brown.
  • Remove the loaf from loaf pan to cool off.


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14 thoughts on “Whey Sandwich Bread

  1. Thanks for sharing this. I’ve been making yogurt for several years and finally figured out the “ water” I was discarding was whey! I now save it and have used it once in a basic Pain Levain bread. It’s good knowing more about the value and uses for the whey.

  2. Hola! Se podría sustituir el suero de leche por leche? Habría alguna diferencia? Gracias 😉

    1. Se puede sin problemas. Tampoco creo que cambie mucho en sabor. Saludos!

  3. Hi this is interesting receipe wud love to try this but what shud I add as a replacement for egg.

    1. There is no egg in the method. Only the ingredients. I made it without an egg.

      1. Oh ok ! 👍

  4. Oh my God, just finished my toast taste test 😅 it’s unbelievably delicious, fluffy and soft, it’s my first attempt of making this bread at home! I’ve got some whey from making cheese and when I saw this recipe I jumped on it😂
    Thank you so much, so easy and precise recipe ❤️

  5. I see an egg. When do you add it

    1. She has an Instagram video and in it adds it with all the other beginning ingredients. Salt, yeast etc

  6. Bom dia, quero muito ter Ásia receita de pão de sanduíche 🥪.
    Obrigada desde já.
    Nádia Ramos

  7. Hello! Love your recipes! Thank you for your time and sharing ideas.
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  8. I’ve made this with yeast and today when I tried it was completely dead, so instead I added 140g of my sourdough discard. It turned out so beautifully, maybe even fluffier than last time! Such a lovely dough to work with too!

    1. Hello , I have made this recipe with yeast too, it was amazing, but I want to make it with sourdough starter , I have stiff sourdough starter, can you tell me how much should I use ? And how did you proof the dough?

  9. Loved this recipe. Can you please add more recipes using whey, its so hard to find.

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