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No Knead Sourdough Bread

This is a new discovery for me. No knead sourdough bread saves so much time and effort! Process is super easy and smooth. See below.


Sourdough Starter 




  • 9 pm add starter to the water and whisk together, add flour, mix well, cover loosely, let it sit at a room temp 74-78F for about 8-10 hours until starter reaches its peak (at least triples in volume).
  • Learn how to make starter from scratch here.


  • 8 am mix all water with sourdough starter and salt add flour, mix everything with spoon (just to keep your hands clean:) cover with plastic, let it rest 1 hour for autolyse.
  • During the autolyse process, flour absorbs water, becoming fully hydrated. This activates gluten development.
  • Keep the dough in a warm place in your kitchen at 74-78F.
  • 9 am 1st stretch and fold or coil fold, dough will look lumpy, but very obedient and not sticky. With each fold the dough will become more elastic and smooth. Round the dough, cover and let rest for 30 min at 74-78F.
  • 9.30 am 2nd stretch and fold or coil fold, round, cover, let it rest for 1 hour at 74-78F.
  • 10.30 am 3rd stretch and fold or coil fold, cover, let it rest 1 hour at 74-78F.
  • 11.30 am 4th stretch and fold or coil fold, cover and let it proof untouched for 1 hour.

Note: If the dough isn’t proofed enough (didn’t rise 50% or more), perform the 5th stretch and fold or coil fold, and let it rest for 1 extra hour untouched.

Preshaping sourdough 

  • 12.30 pm Transfer the dough on to a work surface and dust its top with flour. Flip the dough over so the floured sides face down.
  • Fold the dough onto itself so the flour on the surface remains entirely on the outside of the loaf. This will become the crust.
  • Place the dough round on a work surface and let it rest for 30 minutes uncovered.

Shaping sourdough 

  • 1 pm Dust the dough with whole wheat flour. Use a dough scraper to flip it over on to a work surface so the floured sides face down.
  • Starting at the side closest to you, pull the right 2 corners of the dough to the left, then fold them up into half of the dough. Repeat this action on the left side too.
  • Finally, roll the dough. Shape it into a smooth, taut roll.
  • Transfer the roll, seam side up, to a prepared proofing basket (loaf pan with kitchen towel)
  • Cover it with plastic and return the dough to the 80F (27C) environment for 15 minutes.
  • Then transfer the dough to rise for 14-24 hours in the refrigerator.


Next morning

  • Preheat your oven to 500 F, place a cast iron pan with the lid inside for 45 min -1 hour.
  • Remove the dough from the fridge. 
  • Flip it over on a parchment paper, score it with a sharp knife or a scoring lame
  • Transfer on to the hot cast iron pan, cover with the lid (to create steam for a beautiful and crusty crumb).
  • Bake at 500F for 15 min with lid on.
  • Remove the lid, lower the temperature to 450F. 
  • Bake for 20 more minutes until golden brown.

Let it cool for 2 hours and enjoy.

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56 thoughts on “No Knead Sourdough Bread

  1. Por favor posta outra vez a receita do pão Hokkaido.🙏🏻🥰

    1. Thank you for the recipe and guideline.Excellent outcome, I finally mastered the sourdough, amazing aeration, beautiful crust, good sourness…just perfect!

      1. Thank you 🙏

  2. Look amasing 👌❤️

    1. Thank you 🙏

  3. Are you adding the salt to sourdough starter before the flour? I always thought salt should be mixed with flour first or added on top of the flour, so salt isn’t directly on starter. I prefer to use a danish dough whisk to mix my dough over my hands, mixer or spoon. I wish I could get the ear like your bread, I just haven’t got the big oven spring yet.

    1. I’m adding salt and starter and flour snd water all together.
      It works fir this particular bread. 💖

      1. Hi Natalya, thanks for the recipe. Would you advise why in some cases (like here) salt can be added with flour and water, whereas in other sourdough recipes it is recommended not to add salt during autolise stage?

    2. Hello, could you tell me which flour is better and whether there is any requirement for protein content?

      1. Наталья , здравствуйте ,,Рождеством вас !!всего самого доброго!спасибо вам за ваши знания , все пеку по вашим рецептам !!все получается просто восхитительно !!нао с этим хлебом что то я упустила ))он без замеса , я все делаю как описано у вас , 3 растяжка складывание , а он еще не достаточно эластичен , можно мне сделать одно ламинирование между растяжками и складыванием ?))пожалуйста ответьте , очень сейчас нужен ваш совет ))

      2. Лилия, добрый день!
        Спасибо за ваши отзывы.
        Конечно можно продлить время ферментации и добавить дополнительные складывания.

      3. Наталья , здравствуйте ,,Рождеством вас !!всего самого доброго!спасибо вам за ваши знания , все пеку по вашим рецептам !!все получается просто восхитительно !!нао с этим хлебом что то я упустила ))он без замеса , я все делаю как описано у вас , 3 растяжка складывание , а он еще не достаточно эластичен , можно мне сделать одно ламинирование между растяжками и складыванием ?))пожалуйста ответьте , очень сейчас нужен ваш совет ))

    3. I have that problem too. Have been making sourdough for over a year now and have never had an ear! My bread tastes good but the oven spring explodes all over the place. WHY!!!! Please help!

      1. Mary, so many factors involved. Strong starter, proper fermentation, dough strength.

  4. Super excited to start this evening! Do you have gram to tsp, tbs, and cup ratios? It appears that 5 g is close to 1 tsp, but that seems so little, so I was wondering if that sounds about right? Thanks!

  5. Came out beautifully! Made two loaves, one with ww Einkorn, and one with buckwheat. It was such a simplified process and I’m all for that!;). Thank you so much, again!

  6. Thank you Natasha for sharing your knowledge with us. Let me ask you, what is the temperature inside your fridge? I baked two of those right now and I think that maybe I should have proofed it a little less. They stayed in my fridge for 12 hours at 48F. Thanks, again.

    1. Erica, great point. My fridge is about 40F so definitely you have to proof less.

      1. Thank you, next time I’ll proof less.

  7. At 450° F, wouldn’t the crust be too crispy?
    How can I achieve a softer crust like sandwich breads or store brought artisans?

    1. Then you have to bake it without steam, or check the recipe of white sandwich loaf on my website 🙏

  8. What do I do if my dough is sticky in the first folding bit?

    1. Wet your hands slightly while you are manipulating the dough for all of your folds during the 4 hours and when you transfer it to the work surface. Once it’s on the floured work surface, flour on your hands should be enough.

  9. Thanks for sharing. Can you tell me what about this recipe makes it ok to add salt with starter at the beginning va other recipes where you add salt after autolyse?

  10. Hello,
    Are you always feeding your starter with bread flour and a little rye ?

    1. Yes 🙏

      1. Hi there! My leaven is taking a bit longer to rise- I think because of the cool weather. Do you suggest just waiting until it triples? It has been 12hrs and it is only doubles. Thank you!

  11. With the sourdough starter that you mix the night before, does this need to be an already ripe starter? I keep mine in the fridge, so can I do the 5g directly from the fridge starter or do I need to take it out and feed it first for a day and then use it?

    1. It has to be active starter on it’s peak. I would do at least 3 refreshments after fridge.

  12. If I would like to make two loaves, do I just double everything including the sourdough starter? Thus instead of 5g Sourdough starter, I would use 10 grams?

  13. Can I make this bread using whole wheat flour in the dough entirely? All purpose flour gives my family gastric issues. Will I need to alter the measurements if I substitute the all purpose flour?
    Love your blog…discovered it today and can’t wait to try out your recipes. My starter is completely ready and fairly strong.
    Can you upload more discard recipes, specifically sourdough pizza crust if possible.
    Thanks in advance

    1. Sure you can 🙏

    2. Thank you for all lovely recipes, i tried many of them. I have a problem with my sourdough breads recently during preshaping the dough become very sticky and difficult to shape, and it’s not giving good result when baking. What could be the reason. Please reply

      1. Thank you!
        Usually summertime fermentation is going faster, which might lead to overproofing. Try to start preshape at 40% rise.

  14. hello!!!

    I have made this loaf a few times now with great results, if I double the recipe how long should I bake it for?

    1. Hi!
      Thank you!
      Bake 15 min with close lid, and 25 min without 🙏

  15. Finally I’ve got a small ear, first time after almost 8 months learn and bake sourdough. Really small ear actually, but I’m happy. Will try again for sure. Thanks for this recipe!

    1. Thank you 🙏 I’m happy you’ve got progress 🙏

  16. Hi, how can I make this bread with out sourdough starter? Thanks!

    1. You can increase the amount of yeast

  17. Thank you for providing detailed timing info for your sourdough recipes – this is the part that has confused me up to now. So happy that I found your site!

    1. Thank you, Sally!
      Happy to be helpful 🙏

  18. Hello, Natasha.
    Thanks for great guide of making bread. Could you please specify the temperature in your fridge (what is the best temperature for cold retard in general)?
    As far as I understand the shaped dough should double sized in fridge, right?
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi!
      Thank you. The temperature in the fridge should be 40F

      1. Thanks 😊

  19. I’ve been making sourdough bread for a while now, but it never turned as good before. Plus the whole process its a breeze compare to the method I’ve used before. Thank you!! I can’t wait to try other bread recipes and not only. ☺️

    1. Thank you so much !
      I’m so glad it worked well for you.

  20. Hello!
    I saw that you give tips and tricks for making a starter, but I don’t find it anymore! 🥲 could you send me the link?

    Thank you so very much!!

    1. I’m sorry! I found the link in your text!
      Still another question: my iron pan can’t be heated for more than 250 •
      Which is 480 F. I think it will also be ok?

      1. Yes!
        It will be great

      2. Thank you!
        My bread was not ok. I struggled with my starter I think. I Am now making a new starter with your tips. Cross my fingers!!

      3. Good luck 🙏

    2. Please check my instagram page , all details saved in highlighted stories.

  21. Hi Nathasha,
    I have an Emily Henry Ceramic artisan bread maker, I’m assuming procedures are that of same as a cast oven?
    One question, in the Henry emily manual it suggest putting cold proof bread in a cold oven to give the dough time to warm up and for the yeast to become active again? Place in the baker allows the dough to gradually warm up before the yeast dies off..Keen to hear you advice.. im starting out.
    Cheers Joe

  22. Hey Natasha! Thanks for the wonderful recipes . In this recipe , at what stage should one add the inclusions ?

  23. Hi Natasha, thks for all the lovely posts.
    While oven is preheating, do you need to remove the dough from the fridge to come to room temperature or do you remove from fridge only when oven is fully heated and ready to score and place in oven for baking?

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