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Brioche With Yeast

This brioche dough is made with small amount of dry instant yeast, which makes the whole process go so much faster. It is a very versatile dough, it can be used for sweet rolls, buns or babka.

Brioche dough made with sourdough starter can be found here.



  • 300g bread flour (100%)
  • 150g eggs (50%) about 3 large
  • 60g sugar (20%)
  • 6g salt (2%)
  • 150g soft butter (50%)
  • 1.5 g dry yeast
  • 27g cold water (9%)
  • Zest of 1 orange (optional for more flavor)

Pastry Cream

  • 125 g heavy cream
  • 125 g milk
  • 50 g egg yolk
  • 50 g sugar
  • 10 g corn starch 
  • 5 g plain flour
  • 1 vanilla bean


Day 1

  • 8 am in a bowl of mixer add cold water, yeast, sugar, eggs and whisk all together. Add flour, mix until no dry flour remains, cover and let autolyse for 1 hour.
  • 9 am start mixing the dough on low speed of your mixing machine for 2-3 minutes, or KitchenAid on speed 3 for 3-4 minutes until well incorporated.
  • Add salt and mix for a couple more minutes. The dough should form a ball and seem kind of stiff.
  • Add soft butter, mix for 10-15 more minutes on high speed until the dough is well incorporated and comes up together and will do popping sound during mixing.

Note: make sure the temperature of the dough won’t go higher than 82F/28C, otherwise gluten will start to break apart.

  • Cover and let it proof for 3-4 hours at 76-80F/ 24-28C.
  • During that time perform 2 stretches and folds.
  • The dough should become puffy.
  • 12pm -1 pm transfer the dough to the fridge for cold fermentation until next day.

Day 2

  • Remove the dough from refrigerator.
  • Divide the dough in 8 pieces, about 87g each.
  • Cover baking tray with parchment paper.
  • Roll each piece of the dough into a ball. Place them on prepared baking tray.
  • Cover and let it proof  for 1-2 hours at 78-84F /24-27C  until they doubles in volume.

Pastry Cream

  • Meanwhile prepare the pastry cream by preheating milk and cream on low heat. 
  • In separate bowl combine yolks, sugar, flour and cornstarch, mix until no lumps remain.
  • Temper yolk mixture with warm cream mixture, whisk, put it back to a low heat. Keep stirring constantly, until the cream will get thicker, add vanilla paste or vanilla bean.
  • Let cool down.


  • Preheat the oven 375F
  • When brioche rolls doubled or more in volume, spread egg-wash all over each roll.
  • Press with your fingers in the middle of each brioche roll, creating а dipper space in the middle.
  • Fill dipper space with pastry cream and top with fresh berries.
  • Sprinkle some sugar on top(optional).
  • Bake at 375 for 10 min, lower temperature to 350F and continue baking for 10-12 min more until edges of each brioche will become golden brown.


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11 thoughts on “Brioche With Yeast

  1. Looks delicious, you have great recipes. I make your recipe with stiff leaven and my family loves it. I’ll try this recipe. Have a nice day.

    1. Yvany, thank you so much for your kind feedback 🙏

  2. Que rica se la ve, voy a probar la receta, muchas gracias por compartir la receta 😋😋😋

  3. Hello, you have milk included in the dough recipe but not in the instructions. Please advise?

    1. Sorry, it was a typo. No milk needed. Only water and eggs will play a role of a liquid 🙏

  4. Thank you Natasha for the good recipe, I made this bread yesterday and it turned to be very delicious. The bread was soft, fluffy and dense. Everybody love it. Will it make it again soon👍

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback 🙏

  5. Hi, looks great!! Is this the brioche dough you used for poppy seed buns on your IG?

    1. Yes!

  6. I use this recipe to make King Cake instead. The dough was rolled out flat, then the pastry cream was spread on top, then I rolled it up like a cinnamon roll but instead of cutting it into individual rolls I just shaped the roll into a circle and bake it like that. Then I made a sugar glaze to go on top and sprinkle with purple, gold and green sanding sugar. It turned out great. Very delicious.

    1. Wow!
      Thank you for sharing, I have to try to make it.

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